Dirty Laundry

As part of my Masters Degree international immersion, I visited Mumbai in 2007 for the first time. The Mahalaxmi Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai’s laundry slum or ‘human washing machine’ left me speechless.  More than 200 families occupy this particular area and make a living by hand washing laundry. The pieces are mostly from hotels and hospitals in the city and at any given point countless dhobi’s (or wash-man) can be seen at work. The washing lines are accessorised by the thousands of colourful laundry items… a sight that I won’t easily forget!

Frozen Reflections
I love Jozi

Boys Will Be Boys

“Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile” ~…

Sitting Pretty

Seagulls ‘sitting pretty’ on the mosaic tiled roof of the Fairmont Hotel in Monte Carlo.

Getting out of your shell?

Interesting creature…

Children of India

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