Window to the Past

During my last visit to the Free State for a Brink family reunion, I decided to drive to the original farm where my father grew up, which is located in the southern part of the province. This photograph was taken from outside one of the broken conservatory windows looking in.

“When an elder dies, it is as if an entire library has burned to the ground.” This is a very old, but true African saying. One cannot help but wonder about the hundreds of conversations, hours of laughter and millions of memories that were created on this site.

Blazing Sky
The ‘Haunted’ Hillbrow Hospital

The Better Boat

“Peace is not found in a calmer storm, it’s found in a better boat” ~…


The Tree Analogy of People

A few weeks ago my aunt told me about this beautiful tree analogy of people. …

Getting out of your shell?

Interesting creature…

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