The ‘Haunted’ Hillbrow Hospital

In 2010, after it closed it’s doors some 13 years prior, I had the privilege of gaining access to what used to be know as the Hillbrow Hospital.  This site has a history that dates back to 1889 when it opened it’s doors as Johannesburg’s very first hospital, and served both black and white patients until 1924.

It sadly closed its down in 1997 as all those being treated at the hospital, along with the doctors, were relocated to the newly built Johannesburg General Hospital in Parktown. These images clearly depict the neglected of the building, operating theatre lights, x-ray files and other items that had been standing there, untouched, for the past few years.

Window to the Past
Gone Fishing

The Workshop

Every farm has one of these… a shed or ‘workshop’ where several items are awaiting…


Bricks in the Wall

Thank You 2013!

The past year was by far the kindest, generous and gentle year that I’ve had…

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